tigerservice.exe is a application which is most likely NOT a virus. So, if tigerservice.exe is on your PC, it is most likely ok, and will NOT be a cause for concern. Even if your PC is virus-free, we still advise you to use a good antivirus with a good track record, in order to defend your system against potential security problems.
This program is normally stored in C:\Program Files (x86)\Tiger At Work\tigerVPN\tigerService.exe.
The MD5 checksum for this executable is afe7f538b3d7bbae21f03bfc9dee9d60.
This program is set up as a Windows service. This means it runs on your PC in background, usually without showing anything to you. Most Windows services are useful programs, which provide useful functions to other programs or to Windows in general.
This application runs as a 32-bit program. It does not use the full set of features of modern PC processors. This ordinarily happens because the publishers did not bother to upgrade it to use the x64 instruction set.
The description written in the exe is tigerService.
File version stored as a property
Legal copyright notice Copyright © 2016.
A digital signature is missing from this program. The maker did not sign it. This is usually bad.
It has an uninstall routine, which is good. si are uninstall.