applicationframehost.exe is a application which is most likely legit. So, if applicationframehost.exe is on your PC, it is most likely ok, and will NOT cause problems. Even if your system is virus-free, it is still recommended to use a good antivirus with a good track record, in order to defend yourself against threats.
This program is normally stored on disk in C:\Windows\System32\ApplicationFrameHost.exe.
The MD5 checksum for this program is eb8b7935a446a137163ab1f94cd11b2a.
This program does NOT operate as a Windows service. This is usually a good sign.
applicationframehost.exe appears to use the functions of Windows SFC (System File Checker) or Windows File Protection.
64-bit code has been detected. This exe can exploit the full power of a modern computer cpu.
applicationframehost.exe appears to have visible windows. This means it doesn't operate in some kind of stealth mode. Its activity is clearly displayed to the user.
applicationframehost.exe has a digital signature. Today most serious software applications are digitally signed.
The digital signature attached to applicationframehost.exe is valid. This is excellent.
Digital certificate name: Microsoft Windows
Certificate's issuer name: Microsoft Windows Production PCA 2011
This application does NOT have an uninstall routine stored in registry.